
   Apply Online


Visiting the School

The admissions process is designed to help you learn as much as possible about our school, and at the same time help us become better acquainted with you and your child. Before you schedule a visit, please take some time to think about questions that are most important to you regarding your child. This is the perfect opportunity to ask specific questions pertaining to your child. We believe that the best time to see our school in action is when classes are in session. This will give you the opportunity to see our school when it is brimming with the energy of our students.



Application Procedure

After having your school tour and/or attending an open house you will be provided with a comprehensive admissions package, that includes all of the paperwork and forms required to move forward with the application process. Applications must be submitted to the school office with a one-time Application Fee of 1200 RMB.




Admission into our Toddler Program (ages 12 months – 3 years) and Early Childhood Program (3 years – 6 years) is on a first come first served basis.

Returning and former students, their siblings, and those previously enrolled in Montessori Academy have priority over new admissions. An effort is made to balance the enrollment in each class according to gender and age.  Our Programs fill up quickly so applications will be placed on a wait list in order of their application dates and families will be contacted once an opening occurs.

We are happy to guide you through the Application Process and we are always available to answer your questions. 
We look forward to welcoming you and your child into our Montessori Academy.

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